IMHO (UNC BASKETBALL - Nov. 29th - Present)

It has been a while since In My Humble Opinion has come at ya with an opinion but there has not been too much to talk about concerning Carolina Basketball.....unfortunately.  Here is a synopsis of my observations since last time I reported.

I have been to the Dean E. Smith Center to take in four games so far this season.  Even in the wins I've seen in person or on t.v. UNC manages to look and play undisciplined.  Forget teams that have had or may have an inside presence.  When the Tarheels play against a team full of pure shooters, especially loaded with three point specialists, it is lights out for the Heels.  Their weakness, since it's inception, has always been the three point shot.  Now we get to add no defense for an inside game to the equation as well....wonderful (sarcasm included).

The young team, sprinkled with vets, is.......

  • making poor decisions on/off the ball
  • not communicating  (zigging when needing to zag)
  • heavy on the turnovers
  • scoring is tough against a mediocre - good defensive team
  • not capitalizing on opportunities
  • not relying on basketball fundamentals
The list could go on.

It does not help this team that there is NO FLOOR "GENERAL" - someone to direct the other four teammates to the proper places on the floor and be a motivator.  In addition, not only can Carolina not defend a big man inside, UNC itself does not have a go-to man in the post/paint this year.  And even with all the numbers of guards or guardplay players the Heels have, teams that can run like Carolina teams in the past will have an advantage also - I've seen it - Indiana.

Well, I guess one can't expect too much from the freshmen, just what you get.  Two players, Strickland and McDonald, are both coming back onto the court from sitting all last year with injuries.  MacAdoo was expected to really shine but he is showing that he was just an average player on a team of great ones.

ACC play for the Heels is already ugly with them dropping an "L" at VA.  Are the Heels even gonna make the NIT this year like they didn't some two or three years ago?  Hang on Tarheels fans it is gonna be rough, oh, wait it already is........go heels.
