The doctrine of imminency is a reality that changes how we live in the present age. This expectation certainly changed how the early church lived. The early church adopted a special password to identify themselves and to greet each other: Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22). It is an Aramaic word that only appears once in Scripture. It consists of three Aramaic words: Mar (Lord), ana (our), and tha (come). It's a kind of one-word prayer - 'our Lord, come.'

Maranatha only makes sense in light of the imminent view of the Rapture. As Renald Showers says, 'It's instructive that the early church coined this special greeting to reflect their hourly hope, eager expectation, and ardent anticipation of the Rapture. No doubt this expectation motivated them to pursue personal purity, devoted service, and evangelism. Think of how the church would change today if we were to adopt this greeting for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Think of how our lives would change if this simple greeting were always on the lips of an expectant people.' "
(p.172, The End, Mark Hitchcock)

Mr. Hitchcock addresses a motivation of The Rapture that should spur the Christian to action - evangelism. I am not a parent, but mine are still alive and I have many friends who are parents. To those who are parents or who have ever mentored or even babysat - "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"

If you are a Christian, you are a parent of sorts. You are a parent over the unbelievers and hurting in this world. You have The Answer for their eternal souls and you can help their specific hurt by just reaching out into whatever the need. You can ask of the Father in heaven and Jesus said of His Father - "how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" With the Rapture and the benefits thereof inevitable the question for you and me, now and everyday is - How Selfish Are You?
