Luke 10:20 records Jesus telling His disciples after they had returned from being sent out - "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (NIV). I also like The Living Bible version - "However, the important thing is not that demons obey you, but that your names are registered as citizens of heaven." I love how Jesus does not dismiss the subjection of demons altogether, He just focuses our attention on the "important thing" - the location of your true citizenship, Heaven.
Christ charges us to "rejoice that your names are written in heaven." So, allow me to elaborate on this a little more. The words "written" or "registered" in the above texts come from the original word Graph0. This word means to write, engrave or to describe. I believe this is where we get the word graffiti.
Then there is the word "heaven". The original word used here is Ouranos. This word means air, sky and God's abode. This word derives from another word, Oros, meaning a mountain. You place a mountain in heaven and you get Mount Zion, the Holy Mountain of God.
So, when we apply the meanings of these words back into the text we might read Luke 10:20 LIKE....It is good that demons are subject to you in my name, but that should not be your focus. The important thing is that you know your names are graffitied all over the Holy Mountain of God in Heaven!
When many people and Pastors read this verse they tend to end it with "but rejoice that your names are written [in the Lamb's Book of Life]." Although the Lamb's Book of Life is located in Heaven and your name is there if you believe in Christ Jesus - that is not what the text seems to say here, nor portray. What an image! What a love statement - my name, your name graffitied on His Holy Mountain in Heaven because of Christ!
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