The King James Version of the Bible speaks about Faith by saying,
- "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)
The New International Version translates that same verse -
- "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
One can break this topic of faith down by having a question and answer session with this verse.
What do we "hope for"? God's promises for our lives to be fulfilled.
How are God's promises connected to our faith? The tangible, track record of God or God's faithfulness is the "substance" of faith. Having these two in tandem - God's track record of faithfulness in our lives and His future promises is the first half of Faith.
What do we "hope for"? God's promises for our lives to be fulfilled.
How are God's promises connected to our faith? The tangible, track record of God or God's faithfulness is the "substance" of faith. Having these two in tandem - God's track record of faithfulness in our lives and His future promises is the first half of Faith.
The second half of Faith is very similar to the first - "the evidence of things not seen". What are the "things not seen"? Now-a-days, the occurrence is rare that we see angels, but many times we hear and read of the results of the miraculous intervention by someone who vanishes later or a literal supernatural being.
Another thing not seen is the Holy Appointment and arrangement for any one of us to meet who God wants us to meet. For those undecided on Christ, God moves in His mysterious ways, unseen, to finally work a conversation between that person and a believer into their life. Then a possible invitation to church. Then a possible invitation to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Then a possible acceptance and beginning of their own Christian Journey.
The start, the courting of the heart and mind, and the result are best seen when we look back and observe God's dealings. But sometimes if we are aware enough and pay attention to God's leading, not only for an unsaved soul, then we might see as it happens, the proofs, "the evidence of things not seen".
This is faith, to realize our faithfulness is trash and attempt to do better every day, but know that His faithfulness is tangible as we walk with Him. His track record with us is the core to trusting Him with the future promises He has made to us in His Word. In addition, if we have our spiritual antennae up and attentive, we may gain a glimpse of the behind the scenes workings of God as He gives us proofs or evidences of "things not seen".
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