The Holy Spirit Filter
In the previous parts to this series I spoke on the importance of aligning our hearts and minds with Christ, what the Scripture says to focus them upon, the captive mind of Christ and having the same heart as Jesus. In this last installment, I will be encouraging you and me to keep the Holy Spirit engaged in the whole process of decision-making.
When you observe someone that purposefully slows down their response time to consider their answer of your question or comment, chances are the person has a personal discipline of listening before acting or speaking. Now-a-days this is rare. The opposite is quite prevalent and proves our responses show our choices which reveal our perspectives.
There have been times when I said something I did not mean because I dodged the Holy Spirit's leading in a situation. Don't do that. I have found the Holy Spirit is the ultimate gentleman and will help you with the knowledge of what to say or do, but you and I have to say or do it. So, fellow Christians, please do not by-pass the Holy Spirit Filter, doing that has potential for trouble.
Before we make any decisions in life, Scripture says in Proverbs 23:7 - "For as he thinks within himself, so he is." The power of thoughts, especially about self-worth is evident here. The involvement of the Holy Spirit in accepting and believing your worth is crucial.
Ponder this - your thoughts, whether originating from the heart or mind, are as good as words to God. Luke 6:8; 11:17/Matthew 9:4/ and 1 Chronicles 28:9b all testify to Jesus knowing our thoughts before they become words or actions.
What is your heart and mind full of? Hopefully not evil thoughts like murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony and slander (Matt. 15:19). Who or what is the treasure of your heart and mind? "For where your treasure is, there your heart is also." (Matt. 6:21) Are you familiar with the battle between needs and wants? What does your heart communicate to your mind and your mind to your heart? Lastly, what makes it to your speech?
A few helps that will aide in having a Holy Spirit filtered lifestyle are -
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you in this manner.
- Drench yourself with time spent in reading His Word.
- Continually seek the good things of Philippians 4:8.
Many times we have not because we ask not (James 4:2). But if we get around to asking the Holy Spirit to be our counsel on a regular basis, we will start asking for many more correct, Holy things as well.
In addition to asking the Holy Spirit for counsel every day and having Him as our filter - being saturated in the Scripture will enlighten us to God's will and desires. A major role of the Holy Spirit within the believer is to bring to mind and quicken in our hearts the Word of God for any given situation (John 14:26). But Christians must partake daily of His counsel by a regular reading of The Bible just like we eat every day to nourish the body and live (Ps. 119:105).
Thirdly, don't just think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent or praiseworthy once in your heart and mind. Continually seek out the good things for the heart and mind to dwell upon that Philippians 4:8 lists. Make this a lifestyle, a mindset, a personality engraving.
When the believer in Christ accepts and utilizes God's Holy Spirit Filter - their focus shifts to that of God's provisions, plan and perspective. The more Christians invite the Holy Spirit each day to filter between the heart, mind and mouth - the more good we will be for ourselves, others, the kingdom and God. What a blessed way to live. So, I encourage living this way because in this lifestyle, the only defining influence upon our lives is God - The Holy Spirit Filter.
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