Healing (Thy Will Be Done)
As a Christian, healing is not so much about the requesting of the ailment to disappear, although that is part of our role - to place ourselves humbly in prayer before God. Even agreeing with others about a physical condition to be healed is Scripturally supported but does not guarantee a favorable answer or total healing. Healing is all about during your request to God, being aligned with God's desires and timing and submitting to both.
If you pray "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" on a regular basis then you have to apply that prayer to this category of life. 1 John 5:14 states -
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."Notice three things according to John -
- Because of Christ, believers have confidence in approaching God.
- Christians can ask about anything but the catch is the request must align with His will.
- God hears us. John did not say in which direction God would decide - yes, maybe, no or later - John said "He hears us".
What about your long-awaited answer then? You and I both have to continue to trust in His plan/will and timing. "If it were always God’s will for people to be healed, then everyone would be healed every time he or she became ill. If good health were always God’s will, then Christians should never die. We can’t blame someone’s malady on a lack of faith, for we know, biblically, that God sometimes uses illness to accomplish His will. Also, it’s not just wayward believers who get sick. Paul “left Trophimus sick in Miletus” (2 Timothy 4:20), and Paul himself had a physical ailment that the Lord declined to heal (2 Corinthians 12:7–9)."
For the longest time, I have held the personal belief of quoting all the healing promises in Scripture back to God would IMMEDIATELY heal the condition for whomever I am praying for. The Lord has revealed to me that while that is fine to do, I am continuing to by-pass His will and timing in this process.
What about the believers who continue to battle cancer or any other life-threatening disease? What about those believers suffering persecution for His name in other countries? I realize these things were guaranteed because of humanity's fallen nature, but with Christ's victory via the Cross and Resurrection - why the delay in an answer to the Christian's prayer for healing?
Looking back to when Christ visited, His healings were in line to fulfill prophecy concerning His Messiahship (John 7:31). Jesus did empower His apostles to continue His healing ministry, but - "The twelve apostles did not heal everyone, either. Often, there were Christians left unwell in spite of the apostolic power. Paul says to Timothy, “Use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses” (1 Timothy 5:23). Why didn’t Paul just lay hands on Timothy and heal him? It wasn’t because Timothy didn’t have enough faith; it was because it was not God’s will to heal Timothy that way. The healing ministry was not for anyone’s personal convenience; rather, it was a sign from God—to the Jews of the Old Covenant primarily—of the validity of the apostles’ message."
God can and does heal today. There are plenty of testimonies of His miracles that are right alongside the requests for them so that the believer's faith will be bolstered and the prayer for healing will continue. The prayers, however, must be arranged, worded, thought and/or presented to the Lord so that whatever His will is, we will submit to it and whatever His timing is in the matter we will surrender to it, knowing now or certainly when believer's get to Heaven (Revelation 21:4), Christians shall receive their Healing.
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