My Place
John 14:1-4
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
View a video of the most lavish and expensive house on this planet with all the amenities you could fathom and that structure would probably equate to the outhouse of what Christ is preparing for His kids in Heaven.
In this passage, the word "place" is used three times by Christ. The word that is used does not convey a floating, harp-in-hand, on a cloud, wings on your back, in an ethereal setting for eternity perspective of Heaven or a place in it.
Verse 2 begins by speaking about an oikia (oy kee ah), the original Greek word for a proper residence, an abode, a home - the "Father's house". The second verse also has the word "rooms" or in some translations "mansions" that Jesus describes as fitting inside His Father's House. The original Greek word for "rooms" or "mansions" is mone (mon ay) meaning dwellings or abodes. And from Christ's inference these dwellings are already in existence because He says - My Father’s house has many rooms.
Still in verse two is where we find the first of three times Jesus uses the word "place" to describe a personal location He is preparing for each of His own. The original word used for place in all three instances is topos (top os) meaning a limited spot or space that has a definite location with the nature of a room or home. I would add, since we derive the word topography from topos, I would not be surprised if Jesus crafted each of our residence in His House to accommodate a large tract of land with all His favorite landscaping ideas and our favorites combined.
Your very personal, Holy Contractor for this job that so far has taken two thousand plus years in the making of this place is none other than Christ Jesus - "And if I go and prepare a place for you...". The fact that Jesus says He will make ready "a place for you" means this place will be tailor-made to each believer because the Creator knows you best.
At this time in history, the Holy Spirit dwells within each believer to aid them with their Christ-like journey. Jesus is at Father God's right hand interceding for His children and pursuing everyone else. Talk about your ultimate multitasker, while Jesus is interceding and pursuing, He is also building, preparing, and/or making ready "a place" for a day or moment when He will return to escort believers back to His abode and their new dwelling place - "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
Notice there is mention of only One House and not a city, the New Jerusalem we hear of later in Revelation 21:1. Many envision the rooms or mansions residing within the new Holy City, but the Lord's words declare they will tabernacle or occupy within the Father's House. The Father's House could and probably will be located within New Jerusalem but this particular Scripture does not speak to that. No matter the location of Father God's house, believers and their dwelling place will be within and we will be with Christ having a personalized habitation created by Christ Himself - our place, My Place.
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