It is from our challenges, encouragements and rough edges that - if we allow the change - improvements are realized. Sure noticing the good points of anybody, anything or any situation will traverse you down the road a spell. However, knowing we can never attain perfection means there is always room for improvement, maturity, or betterment in some fashion.
Pastor Eddie Cortes said, "God uses broken people like you and me to rescue broken people like you and me." I agree, just take a look at the lives of The Disciples. When Christ called them to follow Him, He was not calling individuals who "had it together" in every way, especially spiritually. No. Far from the notion of perfection were the lives Jesus called unto Himself.
Why is this? Those that feel and think they are complete or complete enough have closed the door on learning and improvement. Those on-the-other-hand with a humble spirit, open mind and creative thinking tend to leave the door of opportunity open for learning and improvement. We all have our moments when we behave more like the Pharisees than the Disciples, but I would like us all to lean toward the Disciple's camp.
I especially notice God using us to help one another after the Ecclesia (Church) began. Three stories immediately come to mind - God's usage of Philip for the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40), Ananias for Paul (Acts 9:1-19), and Cornelius for Peter (Acts 10). Although Christ could use His angels in any given circumstance and could Himself minister unto the need at hand He chose to have these lives develop like so - using each other and God's Spirit within.
It takes a recognition of a gift/talent from God, a willing heart to serve and capitalizing on opportunities when God presents them - to operate from one "broken" vessel to another. Common ground is powerful when establishing a relationship of help. The cracks, the abrasions, the imperfections in the vessels are that common ground which we then try and develop/improve for a better container of God's love. Let us be ever observant to where we can minister God's love and utilize The Power of Common Ground.
Pastor Eddie Cortes said, "God uses broken people like you and me to rescue broken people like you and me." I agree, just take a look at the lives of The Disciples. When Christ called them to follow Him, He was not calling individuals who "had it together" in every way, especially spiritually. No. Far from the notion of perfection were the lives Jesus called unto Himself.
Why is this? Those that feel and think they are complete or complete enough have closed the door on learning and improvement. Those on-the-other-hand with a humble spirit, open mind and creative thinking tend to leave the door of opportunity open for learning and improvement. We all have our moments when we behave more like the Pharisees than the Disciples, but I would like us all to lean toward the Disciple's camp.
I especially notice God using us to help one another after the Ecclesia (Church) began. Three stories immediately come to mind - God's usage of Philip for the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40), Ananias for Paul (Acts 9:1-19), and Cornelius for Peter (Acts 10). Although Christ could use His angels in any given circumstance and could Himself minister unto the need at hand He chose to have these lives develop like so - using each other and God's Spirit within.
It takes a recognition of a gift/talent from God, a willing heart to serve and capitalizing on opportunities when God presents them - to operate from one "broken" vessel to another. Common ground is powerful when establishing a relationship of help. The cracks, the abrasions, the imperfections in the vessels are that common ground which we then try and develop/improve for a better container of God's love. Let us be ever observant to where we can minister God's love and utilize The Power of Common Ground.
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