There is a re-occurring part of my life that has been tricky to navigate. This unavoidable dilemma is God promising many things about our healing through His Word for the here and now, but still retaining the right to veto His own Word with His Will (God's Word vs. God's Will)

Allow me to give some context. A handful of times now, my church and I have prayed for individuals that needed a Miracle to conqueror their issue. In every case God did not heal them, but allowed them to suffer for a period and die. What good does that do for the suffering? What good/lesson does that do/teach for a fellow believer? What good does that do for a potential believer? None, in my book. However, this questioning does reinforce the fact that while we may not have control over the way we leave this life, we do have some control over how we live this life.

As you can see, the slippery slope I keep returning to is God's Healing Process. I so desire to understand this part of God's operating procedure. He gave us many Scriptural passages that refer to the price that He paid for our healing now, not across The Great Jordan in the sweet by-and-by. He spoke of us being seated with Him in Heavenly places, being able to ask for anything in His name, the name above ALL names and we shall receive it - according to His will. Is not His will the continued health and non-suffering of His children, especially when those children are prayed for by a host of other believers?

It is so frustrating - slipping and sliding on the not-knowingness of how God is working, particularly in this area. So, my solid ground I have to return to for my sanity and my faith is based in encouragement from my Dad and my Wife.

Paraphrased, my Dad encouraged me, Anytime I have approached this wet, slippery part of The Rock that leads down to deeper waters of faith that we cannot see the bottom of - it is time to step back onto the dryer, more solid, surer part(s) of The Rock (i.e. God's Love, Salvation, etc)

Tanya added, "I've just got to believe God is Sovereign, that He is in control and knows what He is doing and the timing of all things, otherwise He would not be God."

Dad's encouragement coupled with my wife's words have helped me greatly. And even though I plan on backing away from the unknown; from the slippery slope; from the murky, deep waters of this perplexing part of my faith - I know a revisit to this part of life with it's sickness, prayer, decay, prayer, suffering, prayer and death is imminent. 

Being back on the dry, sure part of the Solid Rock is comforting and reassuring of my foundation in Christ, but it stirs my curiosity to understand God and The Slippery Slope.
