In Luke 24:39, Jesus appears to the disciples after He had risen from the dead and says, "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself!" Why would He draw attention specifically to His hands and feet if that were of no importance to belief in how He had just died days before. Also, in John 20:24-28 Jesus deals with Thomas' unbelief. In verse 26 it says, "But he [Thomas] said to them, 'Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.'" A verse later, "Then he [Jesus] said to Thomas 'Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.' "
So, Jesus was crucified with nails probably the size and shape of a railroad spike. In addition, these nails had to be strategically placed to produce the most suffering (according to Roman aggression) and fulfill prophecy - no bone broken.
Joseph Zias, former curator of Archaeology/Anthropology for the Israel Antiquities Authority from 1972 to 1997 has posted some interesting thoughts on crucifixion in the time of Jesus (http://www.centuryone.org/crucifixion2.html). The following information is from his article "Crucifixion In Antiquity: The Evidence".
"In 1968 building contractors working in a suburb north of Jerusalem accidentally uncovered a Jewish tomb dated to the first century after the death of Christ. Lying in a Jewish ossuary bearing the Hebrew inscription 'Jehohanan the son of HGQWL' were the skeletal remains of a man in his twenties, who had been crucified. The evidence for this was based on the right calcaneum (heel bone) of the individual, pierced by an iron nail 11.5 cms. in length. The nail penetrated the lateral surface of the bone emerging on the middle of the surface in which the tip of the nail had become bent. The bending of the tip of the nail upon itself suggests that after the nail penetrated the tree or the upright it may have struck a knot in the wood thereby making it difficult to remove from the heel when the victim was taken from the cross.
Remains of olive wood found between the head of the nail and the heel bone suggest that prior to penetrating the heel bone the nail was driven through a wooden plaque so as to increase the head of the nail thus making it difficult for the victim to free his legs from the upright."
This might be the way Jesus was crucified in His feet - on either side of the vertical cross beam, so as to fulfill the prophecy that no bone would be broken. Clearly, if a railroad spike type nail goes through the top of the foot there is a good chance the bone is going to shatter. Another entry point could have been between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone at the back of the foot.
So, Jesus was crucified with nails probably the size and shape of a railroad spike. In addition, these nails had to be strategically placed to produce the most suffering (according to Roman aggression) and fulfill prophecy - no bone broken.
"In 1968 building contractors working in a suburb north of Jerusalem accidentally uncovered a Jewish tomb dated to the first century after the death of Christ. Lying in a Jewish ossuary bearing the Hebrew inscription 'Jehohanan the son of HGQWL' were the skeletal remains of a man in his twenties, who had been crucified. The evidence for this was based on the right calcaneum (heel bone) of the individual, pierced by an iron nail 11.5 cms. in length. The nail penetrated the lateral surface of the bone emerging on the middle of the surface in which the tip of the nail had become bent. The bending of the tip of the nail upon itself suggests that after the nail penetrated the tree or the upright it may have struck a knot in the wood thereby making it difficult to remove from the heel when the victim was taken from the cross.
Remains of olive wood found between the head of the nail and the heel bone suggest that prior to penetrating the heel bone the nail was driven through a wooden plaque so as to increase the head of the nail thus making it difficult for the victim to free his legs from the upright."
This might be the way Jesus was crucified in His feet - on either side of the vertical cross beam, so as to fulfill the prophecy that no bone would be broken. Clearly, if a railroad spike type nail goes through the top of the foot there is a good chance the bone is going to shatter. Another entry point could have been between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone at the back of the foot.
Plus so much packed into such a small area and Romans not caring what they hit, I'll stick with a sideways approach of some sort - whether it be through the heel bone or Achilles Heel area.
The nails in the hands had to have entered between the two wrist bones - the Radius and the Ulna bones.
If the railroad-spike-like nail had entered into the palm area of the hand, the hand bones would have been broken from the hammering first of all and prophecy would not be fulfilled.
Second, the body weight from hanging on the cross would have torn Jesus off the cross when He gave up the ghost.
Thirdly, I have heard it taught that the Romans considered the wrist, where they placed the nail, as part of the hand. One source I have seen documented on this is - Davis CT: The crucifixion of Jesus: The passion of Christ from a medical point of view. Ariz Med 1965;22:183-187. An additional source is - Barbet P: A Doctor at Calvary: The Passion of Out Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon, Earl of Wicklow (trans) Garden City, NY, Doubleday Image Books 1953, pp 12-18 37-147, 159-175, 187-208.
So, the picture we have is of Jesus crucified with a nail through each wrist, between the Radius and Ulna bones. Then we have an image of two nails used to keep each foot to each side of the vertical beam of the cross.
So, the picture we have is of Jesus crucified with a nail through each wrist, between the Radius and Ulna bones. Then we have an image of two nails used to keep each foot to each side of the vertical beam of the cross.
Some individuals are going to read this and disregard the details and go straight to the overall picture - Christ obtaining the salvation of the world. However, knowing that prophecy was fulfilled on so many levels before, during, and after the trial with the flogging, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ puts me in awe of God's concern for the details, especially the prophetic details. There is an old saying that "the devil is in the details", but it is PAINFULLY Clear that in this situation and many others in the story of our salvation and in particular the crucifixion - God is in the details! He said not one bone would be broken for a reason - He was the sacrificial lamb. John proclaimed this as Jesus approached him one day - "Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." - John 1:29
To understand how God orchestrated cultures so that this method would be used to kill The Savior is not a study in vain. There is richness and satisfaction beyond words when one digs a little deeper. I found this to be true as I wrote this. My heart and spirit were moved at the same time my brain was stimulated. He is in control of the smallest technicalities as well as the overall picture, don't overlook those specifics, they are great nuggets of truth to examine as you realize God Is In The Details.
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